Strange Encounters / Burningman 3D Project

News Alert! Visitors from another planet make contact with Earth!
Solo and Diffo, Alien visitors from another solar system, recently landed on Earth, in a remote desert region, and entered Black Rock City, home of Burning Man.
Solo is a humanoid. Diffo (created by James Vogel) is Solo’s shape shifting side kick.
Believing that Burning Man is a normal Earth city, Solo and Diffo set out to complete their mission: to bring evidence back to their world proving that intelligent life does exist elsewhere! However, they are unaware that Burning Man is a temporary city that will soon disappear without a trace. Will they complete their mission?
This extraordinary event, captured in digital 3D, documents Solo and Diffo’s first contact with humanity as they experience the unique art, character, brilliant absurdity, and genius spirit of the most amazing festival in the Galaxy, Burning Man!
Strange Encounters is currently in post production.